Electronic-grade sSngle-crystal MPCVD diamonds quantum sensors,ionizing radiation-resistant devices

Electronic-grade sSngle-crystal MPCVD diamonds quantum sensors, ionizing radiation-resistant devices
Available in Sizes:
2.0 mm x 2.0 mm Square
4.0 mm x 4.0 mm Square
4.5 mm x 4.5 mm Square
5.0 mm x5.0 mm Square
And customizable sizes
These electronic-grade, single-crystal diamonds contain <5 ppb nitrogen concentration and typically <0.03 ppb nitrogen-vacancy (NV) concentration. Additionally, the diamonds have a very low background impurity of <1 ppb boron concentration and exhibit electron mobility from 1000 - 1700 cm2/V⋅s. These diamonds allow the user to probe the as-grown NV defects or generate their own via ion implantation or epitaxial growth.
Alternatively, they can be used as a high thermal conductivity and optically transparent heat sink for a high power laser or microelectronic device, as well as for custom-made diamond electronic devices such as radiation detectors. The diamonds are offered as 2.0 mm x 2.0 mm, 4.0 mm x 4.0 mm, 4.5 mm x 4.5 mm ,5.0 mm x 5.0 mm squares